Ayurvedic guide for healthy mensuration | Ayurvedic guide for healthy Periods
Ancient Indian Ayurvedic science has very detailed knowledge about women’s health. Menstruation is an important part of a woman’s health. What should a woman eat, what should not be eaten, what should be done and what should not be done during menstruation? The Ayurvedic answer to these has very special reasons. This is essential to understand and learn, because it is all based on the mutual science of your body, the behavior, and its effect on your health. So let’s understand how Ayurveda advises you to spend these few days of menstruation.
What should Do?
Rest for the first 2 days: Ayurvedic Guide for Healthy Mensuration
Try to relax on the first 2 days. Relax your body completely in lie-down posture, do not put any kind of strain on the body, and do not put pressure. As much as you can, keep the body free from any kind of tension and relax by lying down. The sooner you feel, the ending pain because the body will naturally do its work faster in relaxed position.
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Always sit or lie on object above the ground: Ayurvedic Guide for Healthy Mensuration
Whenever you are sitting or taking a seat, use objects which are above the ground like a bed or a chair. This is because if you are sitting on the ground or lying down, your body absorbs the coolness of the ground.
Or in summer It will absorb the extreme heat of the ground (which can be either of the two according to the season). During the period woman’s body is weak and easily effects. The side effects of this are seen in the form of other diseases on the body for a long time.
Eat Warm food: Ayurvedic Guide for Healthy Mensuration
At the time of menstruation, stop cold food and start to take warm food. So that your body gets the necessary Agni and provides warmth to womb muscles. Cold food can greatly increase the excess of Vata dosha in the body and will increase pain.
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Drink warm milk: Ayurvedic Guide for Healthy Mensuration
Consume warm milk, it has many effects. You get warmth from it, Vata dosha is balanced and essential nutrients are also given to the body through it. Because during menstruation there is an excess of Vata dosha in the body and the energy of the body is also goes down. which makes warm milk very useful in period.
Must include certain items: Ayurvedic Guide for Healthy Mensuration
Ajwain effect is hot and it decreases stiffness in the body, and swelling. So if you add 15 to 20 ajwain seeds and drink a glass of boiled water once a day, then your pain will almost go. You can also eat some chocolate on the first day. Chocolate acts as a natural pain killer. It contains chemicals that reduce the pain and help to open the glands.
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