Why Body Needs Fat for Good Health

Why Body Needs Fat for Good Health | Fat is Needed for a Healthy Body

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why body needs fat for good health

At present, a lot of misconception has started regarding fat. In mostly fat is considered bad for the body, it is linked to cholesterol diseases and obesity. But according to Ayurveda, the presence of a certain amount of fat layer is very important for overall health. This fat protects the body from many diseases and also prevents body from getting damaged. Science divides fat into three parts ex- saturated fat, unsaturated fat or trans fat. The unsaturated/ dietary fat is essential for the body in a certain quantity. Let’s know from an Ayurvedic point of view why it is necessary for the body.

Fat Repairs tissues: Why Body Needs Fat for Good Health

Repairs tissues

If you have got hurt somewhere but your body has a lack of essential fat in your body. Then it will take more time than usual to heal that injury. Because fat is needed to heal any wound. This increases the speed of formation of new body tissues in the body.

Fat Protects body parts from injury: Why Body Needs Fat for Good Health

Fat Protects body parts from injury

If you have the presence of a certain amount of essential body fat layer in your body. Then it will helps the body to protects damage to internal organs if you got heavily injured by accident. Because this fat acts as natural sponging in the body.

Protection against inflammation: Why Body Needs Fat for Good Health

If the required fat amount is present in your body, then every part of your body has normal ability to withstand the inflammation. There is a layer of fat in every part of the body, this layer does its work towards inflammation caused by any reason.

Read causes of swelling and inflammation!

Carry vitamins and nutrients to the body: Why Body Needs Fat for Good Health

fresh fruits

Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin D, Vitamin E are such nutritions for which fat acts as a medium to reach the body. And if there is a lack of essential fats in your body, then even these nutrients will not reach your body and you will be deficient in these nutrients. And all these nutritions protect the body from many diseases. That’s why you can also fall ill due to the deficiency of these nutritions.

Healthy digestion: Why Body Needs Fat for Good Health


This has been proved scientifically a long time ago. The digestion process works well only when essential fatty acids are available. This help a lot in breaking down the food and getting them absorbed by the body. Super foods like ghee are full of such fatty acids.

Read the Remedies for Bad Digestion!

Cholesterol balance: Why Body Needs Fat for Good Health

Cholesterol balance

Yes this is absolutely right! If you consume unsaturated or dietary fat every day in certain quantities. then it manages the body’s system in such a way that the body makes the necessary cholesterol. It is necessary to know that cholesterol is necessary for the body but it should not be bad cholesterol.

Boosts immunity: Why Body Needs Fat for Good Health

Effective Ayurvedic Common Cold Remedies

If you completely remove fat from the diet. Then this effects directly is seen on the immunity. The body becomes sensitive to the seasonal Flu and cold. This happens because the right amount of fat in the body is very important for the proper functioning of white blood cells and overall immunity in the body.

Read Reasons of low immunity according to Ayurveda!

Controls Vata and pitta dosha in the body

According to Ayurveda if there is a required amount of fat in the body. Then this will protect the body from the effect of excess vata dosha and the effect of pitta dosha. Which means without fat body can easily suffer from the pain, bloating and gas.

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