Ayurvedic lifestyle to Reverse ulcerative colitis

9 Ayurvedic lifestyle to Reverse ulcerative colitis

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Ayurvedic lifestyle to Reverse ulcerative colitis

In Ulcerative colitis, the problem of ulcer started to appear inside the large intestine. Were wounds or rashes emerge on the inner lining of the large intestine. Modern science has not yet been able to discover the exact reasons for this. But the responsibility of disease in any organ is associated with Lifestyle. Ayurveda considers the lifestyle related to your food , mindfulness, mental peace and daily activities. Here I Bring Ayurvedic lifestyle that has the power to reverse ulcerative colitis.

Fasting: Ayurvedic lifestyle to Reverse ulcerative colitis

Wrong and Harmful Ways to Drink Water

    Fasting for 11 hours per day or fasting one day in a week on eating fruit or light diet is count as fasting. By fasting in this way, the toxins and heat that are being accumulated in your body by eating bad foods continuously start to come out. The digestive system also gets a chance to cool down and rest.

Foods to Cool Down YOUR body Heat.

Eating easily digestible food: Ayurvedic lifestyle to Reverse ulcerative colitis

idli sambhar

    If you have a problem of ulcer, then you should include such food in your diet which can easily digest in the stomach. The food from which the body can get nutrition and energy comfortably. In this way you protect your digestive organs from being overly tired and used in unhealthy conditions.

Drinking the right amount of water: Ayurvedic lifestyle to Reverse ulcerative colitis

Ayurveda rules For Drinking Water

    You should drink 5 to 6 liters of water daily. Appropriate water intake reduces your body heat and pitta Dosha. Removes toxins from the intestines and purifies them, if any kind of infection or boils have become then it also works to reduce them.

Read Ayurveda Ways of Drinking Water.

Stress ,Anger and Grief Management: Ayurvedic lifestyle to Reverse ulcerative colitis

What Ayurveda says About Reasons for Migraine

    If you are an angry person then it is possible that you may have high BP and heart related problem. Because anger and stress gives direction to the brain to release such chemicals and hormones which can cause pitta dosha to rise. Due to this the problems related to digestion may start first and if it lasts for a long time it can lead to ulcers.

     When there is grief in deep, then this feelings slowly start showing their effect on your organs. Suppressed bereavement and sadness are not only the cause of heart and blood pressure problems but also mental health problems like depression and stress.

Drinking coconut water: Ayurvedic lifestyle to Reverse ulcerative colitis

coconut water

   Coconut water is a very good medicine that is very easily available. It has many types of properties that work to reduce any kind of inflammation, heat, infection, pitta dosha and internal wounds of your body.

Consumption of Pitta Controlling fruits and vegetables

    Fruits and vegetables of such nature should be taken, whose nature is cool, detoxing, pitta dosha reducing. Such as Banana Coconut, Guava, Cucumber, etc.

Meditation: Ayurvedic lifestyle to Reverse ulcerative colitis


    The practice of daily meditation keeps the person away from anger, stress and depression. Not only this, meditation balances the hormones by increasing our mental peace. This prevents the formation of excess heat in the body and controls the chemicals that directly attack the digestive system.

Milk consumption at room temperature: Ayurvedic lifestyle to Reverse ulcerative colitis

    Ulcer patients must drink a glass of milk at room temperature twice a day. This Calms the pain of ulcers, destroys pitta dosha, and works on repairing boils on your inner lining.

Consuming Ghee in Certain Quantity: Ayurvedic lifestyle to Reverse ulcerative colitis

   Try to consume a spoonful of ghee daily as it acts as an ointment on the organs associated with the digestive system. Ghee consumption calms the pain, cuts toxins, repairs tissues and works to balance hormones.

Read 7 Health Benefits of Eating Ghee.

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