List of foods that contain carbohydrates: 9 good carbs food and 7 bad carbs food

List of foods that contain carbohydrates: 9 good carbs food and 7 bad carbs food

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For some time people have developed a distance or hatred towards foods that contain carbohydrates. The main reason for this is the contribution of carbohydrate food in obesity. At present, the disease of diabetes is also spreading very much and carbohydrate foods are not considered right for the diabetic patient to eat more because it increases insulin in the body. When going to the gym, it is also advised by the gym instructor to eat high protein and low carbohydrate food. It is true that a diabetic patient should eat carbohydrate foods with caution. But in order to make a thin waist and body, distance from carbohydrate foods is also not good. Good carbohydrate foods are extremely essential for the general health of the body. So here it is necessary to know which are good carbohydrates foods and which are bad carbohydrate foods.

Good Carbohydrates Food List: foods that contain carbohydrates


1. Potato

Potatoes are generally a very good source of carbohydrates. Apart from this it is also considered good for heart disease and high blood pressure. Potato is one of good foods that contain carbohydrates.

2. Banana

Bananas also contain a good amount of carbohydrates. In addition to this, it is full of potassium, calcium and magnesium. The banana is very important for a healthy kidney, healthy heart and healthy blood pressure.

3. Oats

Oats are found in good foods that contain carbohydrates. Apart from this, it also contains soluble fiber. It is cold in effect and very good for heart disease and high blood pressure.

4. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is also one in good foods that contain carbohydrates. It is very easy to digest and does not allow any type of fat or cholesterol to construct up in the body. Provides all necessary nutrients to the body.

5. Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes are also in good foods that contain carbohydrates. Apart from this, it is also rich in good fiber and potassium. It removes the problem of constipation, strengthens the digestive power, keeps the heart healthy and reduces high blood pressure.

6. Lentils

All types of pulses are also rich in gut carbohydrates and proteins. It also has a good amount of fiber in it.

7. Pumpkin

In Ayurveda, Pumpkin is considered very good for overall health. It is cooling by nature and also one in good foods that contain carbohydrates and fiber.

8. Taro Root

Taro Root also has good amounts of good carbohydrates and good fiber. According to Ayurveda it nature is cold and Vata increasing. It is very good for heart health and controls hypertension.

9. Yogurt

There is a good amount of lactose and carbs in yogurt as well. What this sees: Calcium is loaded with good bacteria proteins. It is beneficial for the overall health of the body.

Bad Carbohydrates Food List: foods that contain carbohydrates

bad carbs

1. Refined Floor

Any kind of refined flour or very finely ground flour-like maida is not good for the health. Its inclusion in the daily diet invites problems like obesity and cholesterol.

2. Pasta- Chowmin

Things like pasta- chowmin are also becoming a part of the normal diet. People have started consuming them almost every day. It is not good for the health of the body at all. By eating them, obesity comes very quickly.

3. Fast Food

Examples of fast food are bad carbohydrate food like pizza ,burgers, fried potato chips, etc. These are not good in terms of heart health, digestive system and weight.

4. Soda and Cold Drinks

Soda drinks and cold drinks are loaded with artificial sugar, and bad carbs. These are very harmful for heart health, body sugar level, blood pressure, kidney, weight etc.

5. Bread

Nowadays, bread consumption is very popular in breakfast. But this is bad and a very strong example of bad carbohydrate. It is a processed food, in which the amount of nutrients and minerals is very less. It is not good in any way from the health point of view.

6. Artificial and Synthetic Sugar

Consumption of artificial -synthetic sugar ,liquid sweeteners is not good for the body at all. These imbalanced the secretion of insulin in the body. Excessive consumption of these can even invite cancer.

7. Bakery Products

Bakery products like cakes, pastries, rusk, biscuits, donuts etc. are examples of bad carbohydrate food. Along with this, it is also a highly processed food.

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