How to Improve Immunity System in Ayurveda

How to Improve Immunity System in Ayurveda : 5 Golden Ways

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How to Improve Immunity System in Ayurveda ? is a very searching question these days. The health of the human body as a whole depends on the state of its immunity. Physical immunity is the key! That is why in Ayurveda, first of all, attention has been paid to make the changing to build the capacity of the body. Ayurveda gives the answer by analyzing each and every aspect of lifestyle. The knowledge of Ayurveda has also evolved with the coming changes in lifestyle in modernity. As the result, Ayurveda presents the right reasons and answers according to the current perspective, which is related to strengthening immunity.

Do this!

1. Yoga and Exercise: How to Improve Immunity System in Ayurveda

Yoga and exercise are the first formulae to maintain the body’s immunity, without these taking any other measure would be seen as negligible. According to Ayurveda, yoga and exercise strengthen the muscles and bones, as well as make them flexible. So that they have a long life and there would be no disease-related to them. It also helps in flushing out various toxins present in the body.

2. Fasting: How to Improve Immunity System in Ayurveda

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In Ayurveda, fasting has been considered very important for the flushing out of various toxins and diseases from the body. This is the reason that fasting has been arranged in various religions so that your body can remove toxins. Even if you are able to stay empty stomach for 10 to 12 hours every day, it will still be counted in fasting. You can do this by adding some hours after 8 to 9 hours of sleep at night. This process of fasting gives a chance to boost the body’s immunity.

3. Sattvic Diet: How to Improve Immunity System in Ayurveda

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The sattvik diet has very special importance in Ayurveda. Sattvic diet refers to such a diet in which no tamasic diet of any kind is consumed. Under this, the consumption of fruits, vegetables and a light diet is encouraged. It is very difficult to follow a sattvik diet every day. That is why you can consume fruits and salads once as a meal every day. This is also very beneficial for strengthening immunity.

4. Nurturing the body according to its needs: How to Improve Immunity System in Ayurveda

From time to time, our body starts to be deficient in various types of nutrients. The lack of nutrients in the body can be due to our lifestyle, any disease, or any other reason. According to Ayurveda, these deficiencies of the body should be fulfilled by improving our food items or by consuming food rich in that particular nutrient. It is very important to keep the body’s immunity strong.

5. Consumption of Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables

mulberries anti cancer

Every season has its own special types of vegetables and fruits. These seasonal vegetables and fruits carry nutrients and nature according to that season. By eating them, the body develops its immunity against the bacteria and viruses found in that particular season. That is why the consumption of seasonal fruits and vegetables is very important for strong immunity.

Do Not: How to Improve Immunity System in Ayurveda

wrong diet

1. Consumption of processed food Avoids consuming an excessive amount of processed food in your lifestyle. Consumption of these increases toxins and chemicals in the body, which reduces immunity. Not only this, it could become the cause of other diseases.

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