Ayurvedic Uses of Hibiscus Flower for Overall Health

7 Ayurvedic Uses of Hibiscus Flower for Overall Health

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7 Ayurvedic uses of Hibiscus flower for overall health

Hibiscus flower is commonly found everywhere in India. Many types of its uses have been told in Ayurveda. It is eaten and applied to the skin or hair. It has multiple health benefits. Hibiscus flowers are madhura (sweet) & kashayam (astringent) in taste. They are cold in terms of potency and reduce aggravated Pitta and balance Kapha. Let’s see what are the important uses of the hibiscus flowers for overall health and wellbeing.

1. Hibiscus Tea: Ayurvedic uses of Hibiscus flower for overall health

Hibiscus Tea

The tea made from hibiscus flower works to detoxify the body and is mildly sweet in taste. It pacifies the increased pitta dosha and cools the body. Apart from this, it reduces stress, reduces baldness and hair fall due to stress itself. Add 5 hibiscus petals to a glass of boiling water. After 2 minutes of boiling, remove from the heat. Strain and let cool. Intellectuals with a Pitta-predominant constitution & people into the work habit of staying awake during late nights tend to lose their hair due to excess heat trapped under the skin. Hibiscus tea helps regulate that excess heat & balance Pitta.

2. Hibiscus Hair Rinse: Ayurvedic uses of Hibiscus flower for overall health

Hibiscus Hair Rinse

It is not only used for eating but also for applying on hair. Hair rinse Made from hibiscus flower, if washed with it, it adds shine to the hair, enhances hair growth, and reduces premature hair ripening. This flower has been described in Ayurveda as a very useful medicine for the health of women. Soak 10 hibiscus flower petals in 500ml (2 cups) of water overnight. The next morning squeeze the flowers with your hands and remove them from the solution. Apply the filtered tea to your hair. Cover your hair with a shower cap. Rinse with warm water after 20 minutes.

3. Hibiscus Hair Oil: Ayurvedic uses of Hibiscus flower for overall health

hibiscus hair oil

Grind hibiscus leaves and flowers to a paste and mix with virgin coconut oil. Simmer together on low heat until the water content disappears. Let sit and infuse for 48 hours. Filter and then store in a clean glass bottle. Gudhal oil is very useful for hair. The oil made in this way can be used for a long time.

4. Hibiscus For Anemia: Ayurvedic uses of Hibiscus flower for overall health


If there is a deficiency of hemoglobin in the body. The count of hemoglobin can be increased by consuming Hibiscus in a fixed quantity. Dry 20 to 30 hibiscus flower buds in the shade & grind them into a fine powder. Store in an airtight container. Consume half a teaspoon with honey twice a day to improve your Hemoglobin.

Read foods to eat in Anemia

5. Hibiscus for diabetes: Ayurvedic uses of Hibiscus flower for overall health


The consumption of the hibiscus flower is also very beneficial for diabetic patients, it balances the alcohol of glucose-insulin in the body. Activates the body’s metabolism. Soak the flower in water overnight & filter it next day and sip on it in the morning.

6. In high blood pressure and heart disease: Ayurvedic uses of Hibiscus flower for overall health

The use of this flower controls high blood pressure and heart disease because high blood pressure and heart diseases are caused due to the increase of pitta dosha and toxic elements in the body. Due to their Pitta-pacifying action and raktastambhak (anti-hemorrhagic) properties, hibiscus flowers are widely used in the treatment of pimples, bleeding disorders, or bleeding gums. They are good for the heart and effective in lowering blood pressure & cholesterol, help in anemia.

7. Many Other Benefits

The consumption of the hibiscus flower is also very beneficial for piles, insomnia, UTI, and bleeding disorders like epistaxis & menorrhagia.

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