Benefits of Eating Spicy Food

What to Eat in Monsoon According to Ayurveda Ritucharya

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What to Eat in Monsoon According to Ayurveda Ritucharya , Rituacharya is the ancient Ayurvedic practice and is comprised of two words, “Ritu” which means season and “charya” which means Regimen or discipline. Ritucharya consists of a lifestyle and Ayurveda Diet routine to cope with the bodily and mental impacts caused by seasonal changes.

 In monsoon, Rasa and Mahabhuta in this season are Amla (sour), and Prithvi and Agni, respectively. The strength of an individual becomes weak. So here I come up with such foods that help your body in this change.

 1. Ghee: What to Eat in Monsoon According to Ayurveda Ritucharya


According to Ayurveda ghee is rich in fatty acid, it detoxifies the body, increases immunity and gives strength to the body.  Food, during monsoon, should always be rich in ghee content. Ensure that you take ghee made only from cow’s milk. It also helps in digestion and boosts immunity.

what is Ghee? How It is made?

7 benefits of eating Ghee!

 2. Good Fat Foods: What to Eat in Monsoon According to Ayurveda Ritucharya

When it rains maximum people crave fried foods such as ‘pakodi’. It does not only matter of taste but in rainy seasons the body needs good fat. When you eat deep-fried foods in rain then It helps the body counter changing seasons’ effects on the body. Dry fruits and nuts also have good fat and omega-fatty acid. Dry fruits and nuts should be included in this season’s diet. These provide essential good fatty acids to the body that keeps up body “fire” and decrease Ama. 

 3. spices: What to Eat in Monsoon According to Ayurveda Ritucharya


Monsoon season is also spices seasons.  Rains just after heated summer changed the whole environment moisture level, temperature and viruses- bacterias level. Spices give strength to the body against all of these. Spices also enlighten  “fire” in the body, which goes down in this season. spices must be added to our food to protect us against infections like diarrhea, colds, flu, and diseases like dengue that the rains bring.

4. Honey: What to Eat in Monsoon According to Ayurveda Ritucharya


In monsoon  / Sawan body also craves sweet foods. Honey is a natural and healthy sweet tooth calmer.  Honey usually increases pitta but in the rainy season wherein there is the aggravation of vata, honey can be taken in small proportions. In this season it kills monsoons bacteria and viruses in the body.

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