What Ayurveda says About Reasons for Migraine
The main cause of migraine is the increase of Vata and pitta dosha in the body, due to this, the acidity / gas goes into the head and pain starts in the the head. According to Ayurveda, both acidity (hyperacidity) & migraine are caused predominantly due to pitta (when pitta increases along with vayu in body or/and mind). First of all, Let’s know the reasons that increases the Vata and Pitta dosha in the body and cause migraine pain.
Eating leftover and frozen food: What Ayurveda says About Reasons for Migraine
In Ayurveda, stale, leftover and frozen food is considered like poison. Because all the nutrients of stale food are destroyed and bacteria keep growing in it, these bacteria are fatal for the digestive system. When you eat stale food then it effects digestive system and you started to have problems like over acidity, stomach pain, gas bloating. When this gas goes on the head due to excess acidity the migraine started to rooted.
Read Remedies to control migraine pain
Consuming non-veg for dinner or in excess: What Ayurveda says About Reasons for Migraine
Non-veg foods are high in protein and need good digestion. This makes digestion of Vata prone and increases the pitta dosha. In Ayurveda foos that increase body heat and distraubed mental peace identifies as “Tamsik”, nonveg food is one of those. This all may become the reason for migraine.
Beginning the day with Caffeine: What Ayurveda says About Reasons for Migraine
A maximum number of people take tea or coffee as the first thing in the morning. In the morning our body is an empty stomach, the digestion system is ready to catch and absorb the food, and the glands are fresh as the morning sun. When you drink coffee as the first meal, it actually burns the organs with its unhealthy organs and destroys the natural body ‘Rasayana’ system. This directly affects all hormones secretion and the digestive system too and makes your head pain.
Read Side effects of Tea and coffee