Home Remedies to Reduce Migraine Pain
In the list of home remedies for migraine, such foods are included which reduce the increased Vata and Pitta Dosha in the body. Because the major causes of migraine are the aggravated Vata and Pitta doshas, therefore. In the treatment of Ayurveda, first of all, the causes of diseases should be eliminated. This is called ‘Nidana Parivarjan’ which means ‘Eliminating the causative factors let’s understand and know the remedies which reduce the pain of migraine.
Coriander and Cumin tea Drink: Home Remedies to Reduce Migraine Pain
In Ayurveda, coriander seeds are said to destroy the high pitta dosha in the body. On the other hand, cumin seeds cool the head, enhances digestion and reduces acidity. Drinking tea made by boiling both of them balances both Vata and Pitta doshas in the body and reduces migraine. You can take it twice a week.
Read how to Control Pitta dosha!
Coriander and Fennel tea: Home Remedies to Reduce Migraine Pain
You can also drink fennel tea with coriander. As mentioned the nature of coriander is Pitta and vta controlling in the body. It eliminates the heat of the body, while fennel cools in its effect, it destroys the pitta dosha too. Thus both of them together do the work as double power.
How to know imbalance pitta Dosha !