7 food to reduce pitta

7 food to reduce pitta  | food for pitta dosha to control Pitta dosha by yourself at home

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 Food plays a major role in balancing and spoiling body dosha– Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Here I discussed about food to reduce pitta. The main reasons of increasing pitta are wrong food according to your body condition and your lifestyle. By re-correcting the diet and lifestyle in a good ways, pitta dosha can be balanced. Here we will discuss such foods which can balance pitta dosha. To reduce the increased pitta, it is necessary to eat foods which are cold in nature and reduce the secretion of bile. let’s know about some such foods.

1. coconut water: food to reduce pitta

coconut water

Coconut water has miraculous properties that control the high pitta dosha to a great extent. Body heat, sweating, restlessness arise because of the high pitta dosha. It has the power to stop these immediately. That’s why you should drink coconut water every day.

2. Amla: food to reduce pitta

Amla juice

   Amla is a multi-potent medicine in Ayurveda. Increased pitta in the body is a sign of the increase of various toxins in the body. Amla is such a fruit that has the ability to remove all kinds of toxins in the blood. Not only this, it also eliminates stomach problems. That is why must drink at least 3 gooseberry juices per day. You can drink it every day, especially during its seasons.

3. Lemon: food to reduce pitta


   A drink made with the juice of one lemon with a glass of water has the power to balance your high pitta to a great extent. Lemon has this property that controls pitta dosha. 

 4. Orange: food to reduce pitta

orange juice

   according to Ayurveda Oranges are also great fruits that are cold in nature and controls pitta dosha. Consuming one glass of oranges juice daily will balance your high pitta dosha.

 5. cucumber and tomato: food to reduce pitta

     Cucumber also helps to balance any kind of imbalance of blood and it is also cooling in effect. On the other hand, tomatoes are also rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants whose presence helps in reducing the hypopitta dosha. The drink made from these two is absolutely suitable and beneficial in Pitta from an Ayurvedic point of view.

 6. Buttermilk drink

    Buttermilk is a drink made by mixing curd with water. Buttermilk has cooling properties for the full body and even the brain. The body heat increases with high pitta dosha. That is why it becomes necessary to include buttermilk drinks in daily routine. It is very beneficial for overall health.

 7. Banana

     Banana has cooling nature from an Ayurvedic point of view.It reduces the heat of the stomach that increased due to high pitta dosha. When the pitta dosha increases, the problem of gas and heartburn increases in the stomach. In such a situation, eating bananas are very beneficial.

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