7 Iron rich food in Ayurveda

7 Iron rich food in Ayurveda: You Must Start to Eat

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Iron rich food in Ayurveda, Iron is very important for mental development, physical development, balanced blood health and good immunity. It becomes necessary to include the appropriate amount of iron in the daily diet. That’s why here we have brought you a list of some of the best foods that are rich in iron and which you can easily make a part of your food life.

1. Amla/ Indian Gooseberry: Iron rich food in Ayurveda

Amla juice

In Ayurveda, Amla has been described as a great fruit which has the power to eliminate hundreds of diseases. It is full of many nutrients that science had also considered necessary for super health. There are still many such chemicals in it, about that science has not been able to discover. It also has a good amount of iron, so it must be eaten in its season.

2. Banana: Iron rich food in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, banana is also called cold in nature and pacifies the Pitta dosha. At the same time, the amount of vitamin B or folic acid and iron inside it is also good. It is very beneficial to take during pregnancy as it reduces morning sickness and fulfills the deficiency of Iron and folic acid.

3. Fenugreek Seeds: Iron rich food in Ayurveda

fenugreek seeds water

Fenugreek seeds also have a good amount of iron. According to Ayurveda, It Pacifies the Vata and Kapha dosha but increases the Pitta Dosha. That is why it should be eaten for the increase of RBC in blood only on the basis of above mentioned special properties.

4. Carom Seeds: Iron rich food in Ayurveda

Ajwain Benefits

In Ayurveda, Carom Seeds are said to be hot in nature, pacifying Vata and Kapha dosha but increasing Pitta Dosha. Iron is present in abundance inside it, hence it is beneficial in case of anemia in post-baby birth in the woman.

5. Raisins: Iron rich food in Ayurveda


Raisins are a fruit that has been said to be very beneficial in Ayurveda. It reduces stomach problems, enhances digestion and provides coolness to the body.

6. Carrots

The carrot is a seasonal vegetable that must be eaten in its season. It also contains a good amount of iron, apart from this, it also gives immunity by freeing the body from other types of toxicity.

7. Wheat Grass

wheat grass

Wheatgrass is also rich in iron, apart from this, it also contains calcium, protein and fiber along with vitamin K and carotene. According to Ayurveda, it flushed out the various type of toxins from the body and brings coolness.

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