Constipation is a very common but serious problem. Because if it persists for a long time then it also causes piles. because of the constipation toxins do not come out from the body and body could not be cleaned properly. The entire digestive system starts to disrupted and appetite also decreases. The direct negative effect of which could be visible on the whole body.
Here we will talk about whether banana reduces the problem of constipation or not? And what has been said about it in Ayurveda. It should be known that if banana is taken in a certain quantity, then yes it reduces the problem of constipation. But if you eat it too much then it can increase the frequency of motions. Which again becomes a problem in itself. Let’s know why banana is beneficial in constipation.
Good Fiber: Why in Ayurveda bananas are good for constipation
There are good soluble fiber inside the banana. When it reaches the large intestine, it sticks with the waste/ stool and helps to remove that waste from the body.
Healthy Bacteria: Why in Ayurveda bananas are good for constipation
Banana strengthens the condition of healthy bacteria in the digestive system and it is very important to keep the bacteria in a healthy balance to relieve your constipation and normalize the motion.
Hydration: Why in Ayurveda bananas are good for constipation
One of the major reasons for constipation is the lack of hydration in the digestive system. The dehydration decreased lubrication in the large intestine and stools could not pass properly. When you eat banana, it brings more hydration to the digestive system and also removes this problem.
Good Starch: Why in Ayurveda bananas are good for constipation
You must have seen that there is a sticky substance in the banana. It has a smoothy quality that is the good starch. When it goes into the stomach and large intestine, it helps to get the stool out.