What not to Eat in Diabetes According to Ayurveda

What not to Eat in Diabetes According to Ayurveda: 7 Foods

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What not to Eat in Diabetes According to Ayurveda, If you try to remove all the things mentioned below, from your food lifestyle. Then definitely you can control diabetes. But if you cannot remove them completely, then at least try to minimize them.
Keep in mind that controlling diabetes, it is more important “what not to eat!” Diabetes has become so common because all the things mentioned below have become a very deep part of normal food life. That means you are becoming a diabetic patient by eating these. It is very important to control them.

Biscuits/ cookies/ Donuts: What not to Eat in Diabetes According to Ayurveda


These are very popular snacks and most people eat these things almost every day, and sometimes the whole day!. These are filled with refined and artificial sugar that instantly affects the insulin and body sugar level.

Rusk: What not to Eat in Diabetes According to Ayurveda


Rusk is very common in Asia and has a great role in breakfast with tea. Most people eat rusks with morning tea which is more serious to health. because in the morning body very easily grabs the first meal and its good or bad effects. Rusk is also filled with bad sweeteners.

Cold Drinks: What not to Eat in Diabetes According to Ayurveda

Cold drinks are non-other than sugar syrups that also contain harmful chemicals with it. Cold drinks are the slow poisons for everyone but especially with diabetes.

Overly Sweet Fruits: What not to Eat in Diabetes According to Ayurveda

Everyone loves fruits and fruits are very healthy snacks. But for diabetic patients, over-sweet fruits are not good for health. because already their body’s insulin is not in a good position and these sweet fruits can increase blood sugar.

Refined Flour: What not to Eat in Diabetes According to Ayurveda

Refined flours contained bad carbs in it. That increases body glucose, and bad fat too. Diabetic people should avoid this. Even refined flours are not good for all too.

Refined Sugar / Artificial Sugar


These both types of sugar are very unhealthy for everyone. these can cause diabetes, increase diabetes problems, tumors, cancer, high b.p and many other problems.

Cake pastry, sweets

Cake pastry and sweets are full of Refined Sugar / Artificial Sugar. That is why these are not good for diabetic people.

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