11 Vata imbalance symptoms in Ayurveda you must know

11 Vata imbalance symptoms in Ayurveda you must know

Under Vata imbalance symptoms in Ayurveda, there is an excess of air and sky elements. That is why the Vata dosha is a signifier, conductor, imaginative, light, and full of playfulness.

Under Vata imbalance symptoms in Ayurveda, there is an excess of air and sky elements. That is why the Vata dosha is a signifier, conductor, imaginative, light, and full of playfulness.

excessive thoughts and imagination come in the mind. Which becomes difficult to control. And the mind is troubled by overthinking.

excessive thoughts and imagination come in the mind. Which becomes difficult to control. And the mind is troubled by overthinking.

an excess of Vata dosha, he is unable to concentrate nor concentrate at any one place, due to which person changes the decision from time to time or unable to take a decision due to confusion.

an excess of Vata dosha, he is unable to concentrate nor concentrate at any one place, due to which person changes the decision from time to time or unable to take a decision due to confusion.

Due to the excess of Vata, the formation of Vata also increases in the digestive system. Due to which more gas is formed..

Due to the excess of Vata, the formation of Vata also increases in the digestive system. Due to which more gas is formed..

Vata dosha is attributed to inflammation as well as pain in the body. It is also responsible for swelling of knees, feet and sometimes brain.

Vata dosha is attributed to inflammation as well as pain in the body. It is also responsible for swelling of knees, feet and sometimes brain.