Reasons of Skin Cancer : You Need to Know Now

Reasons of Skin Cancer : You Need to Know Now

the hole in the ozone layer is increasing continuously. Over time, the radiation is continuously increasing on the earth. Which is a major cause of increasing skin cancer.

the hole in the ozone layer is increasing continuously. Over time, the radiation is continuously increasing on the earth. Which is a major cause of increasing skin cancer.

If a person keeps the skin exposed to the sun for many years continuously. Then the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun harm the skin. and their chances of getting cancer increase more.

If a person keeps the skin exposed to the sun for many years continuously. Then the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun harm the skin. and their chances of getting cancer increase more.

Many companies are selling cosmetics in the market. Most of them use substandard and extremely harmful. The use of such cosmetics for a long time increases the risk of skin cancer.

Many companies are selling cosmetics in the market. Most of them use substandard and extremely harmful. The use of such cosmetics for a long time increases the risk of skin cancer.

In western countries. Tanning is done through artificial machines through radiation. Even if the person comes in high exposure to these machines, the chances of skin cancer increase.

In western countries. Tanning is done through artificial machines through radiation. Even if the person comes in high exposure to these machines, the chances of skin cancer increase.

The tattoos are made with the use of harmful local chemical based colors are very dangerous and can even cause cancer.

The tattoos are made with the use of harmful local chemical based colors are very dangerous and can even cause cancer.

If the immunity of a person's body is very poor. If he often keeps falling ill, then he is more prone to skin cancer.

If the immunity of a person's body is very poor. If he often keeps falling ill, then he is more prone to skin cancer.