9 Reasons for Ovarian Cancer : Every Woman Should Know

9 Reasons for Ovarian Cancer : Every Woman Should Know

Fertility Drugs and Hormone Treatment

Fertility Drugs and Hormone Treatment

If any woman goes through a high level of hormone treatment like estrogen! Then there can be a risk of cancer in the ovaries.

If any woman goes through a high level of hormone treatment like estrogen! Then there can be a risk of cancer in the ovaries.



Women whose weight is too much had a higher risk of ovarian cancer.

Women whose weight is too much had a higher risk of ovarian cancer. 

Family History

Family History

If a woman has a history of ovarian cancer in the family-like Mother or Mothers’s mother. Then the risk of ovarian cancer is higher in that woman too.

If a woman has a history of ovarian cancer in the family-like Mother or Mothers’s mother. Then the risk of ovarian cancer is higher in that woman too.

History of other cancer

History of other cancer

If a woman is treated for another type of cancer then her body status is not good. Her immunity system becomes low and has risk of other cancers.

If a woman is treated for another type of cancer then her body status is not good. Her immunity system becomes low and has risk of other cancers.

If the woman never gives birth

If the woman never gives birth

If a woman gives birth to a child after 35 years or never gives birth to a child in full life. Then the chances of ovarian cancer in such a woman are high

If a woman gives birth to a child after 35 years or never gives birth to a child in full life. Then the chances of ovarian cancer in such a woman are high

low Immunity

low Immunity

Immunity Is the wall Of Protection against every virus and illness in the body. If somehow or because of the bad lifestyle your immunity is low then the risk of getting cancers increases.

Immunity Is the wall Of Protection against every virus and illness in the body. If somehow or because of the bad lifestyle your immunity is low then the risk of getting cancers increases.