Pitta Imbalance Symptoms in Ayurveda you Must Know

Pitta Imbalance Symptoms in Ayurveda you Must Know

Dosha Balance On the basis of this, the nature of bodies is divided into Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Their excess at a normal level does not give rise to diseases in the body

Dosha Balance On the basis of this, the nature of bodies is divided into Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Their excess at a normal level does not give rise to diseases in the body

Pitta dosha is created due to the excess of fire and water elements. in such a body there is more production of stomach agni , gas and mental emotion.

Pitta dosha is created due to the excess of fire and water elements. in such a body there is more production of stomach agni , gas and mental emotion.

Pitta Dosha people gets angry over something, has an irritable mind, jealousy very quickly enters the mind.

Pitta Dosha people gets angry over something, has an irritable mind, jealousy very quickly enters the mind.

Physical problems 1. Burning in stool urine 2. Having heartburn or sour belching

Physical problems 1. Burning in stool urine 2. Having heartburn or sour belching

Physical problems 3. Feeling excessively thirsty, feeling excessively hot 4. Excessive sweating, increased odor of sweat

Physical problems 3. Feeling excessively thirsty, feeling excessively hot 4. Excessive sweating, increased odor of sweat