Kapha imbalance symptoms in Ayurveda you must know . Because that is going to be base of your own body understanding

Kapha imbalance symptoms in Ayurveda you must know . Because that is going to be base of your own body understanding

The imbalance of Kapha causes 20 types of diseases.

The imbalance of Kapha causes 20 types of diseases.

The main elements that create Kapha dosha are earth and water.This means that in this type of body there will be an excess of like muscles, water, fat etc.

The main elements that create Kapha dosha are earth and water.This means that in this type of body there will be an excess of like muscles, water, fat etc.

feeling of lethargy, feeling of heaviness in the head, headache and desire to sleep in increased Kapha dosha person

feeling of lethargy, feeling of heaviness in the head, headache and desire to sleep in increased Kapha dosha person

loss of appetite - In increased Kapha body the high-level presence of Kapha, water, and earth elements slow down the stomach "agni'. As the resulting appetite of the person slowdown.

loss of appetite - In increased Kapha body the high-level presence of Kapha, water, and earth elements slow down the stomach "agni'. As the resulting appetite of the person slowdown.

phlegm discharge from different parts of the body: The phlegm discharge from nose, mouth, in stool, or white vaginal discharge in women.

phlegm discharge from different parts of the body: The phlegm discharge from nose, mouth, in stool, or white vaginal discharge in women.