Importance of Tridosha Theory In Ayurveda

Importance of Tridosha Theory In Ayurveda

The health-related science of Ayurveda says that nature and every living being in nature is made up of a combination of the five basic elements (Mahabhutas) which are fire, air, water, sky, and earth.

The health-related science of Ayurveda says that nature and every living being in nature is made up of a combination of the five basic elements (Mahabhutas) which are fire, air, water, sky, and earth.

All these three Dosha are not found equally, but if there is an excess of Vata dosha in one’s body, then there is an excess of Pitta dosha in someone’s body, it is an excess of Kapha dosha. On the basis of this, the nature of bodies is divided into Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

All these three Dosha are not found equally, but if there is an excess of Vata dosha in one’s body, then there is an excess of Pitta dosha in someone’s body, it is an excess of Kapha dosha. On the basis of this, the nature of bodies is divided into Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

The imbalance of Vata causes 80 diseases, the imbalance of Pitta causes 40 and the imbalance of Kapha causes 20 types of diseases.

The imbalance of Vata causes 80 diseases, the imbalance of Pitta causes 40 and the imbalance of Kapha causes 20 types of diseases.

Any season or place has its own special feature. Whether this place is hot, cold, humid, is it near or far from the sea, is it a mountain or a desert, winter, summer, spring, or winter. All these specialties determine the dosha

Any season or place has its own special feature. Whether this place is hot, cold, humid, is it near or far from the sea, is it a mountain or a desert, winter, summer, spring, or winter. All these specialties determine the dosha

Ayurveda balances the imbalanced doshas of the body only through yoga, exercise, natural foods and nature-based medicines. This is clearly possible through food because every food item also has its own Dosha nature.

Ayurveda balances the imbalanced doshas of the body only through yoga, exercise, natural foods and nature-based medicines. This is clearly possible through food because every food item also has its own Dosha nature.