food for pitta dosha to control Pitta dosha by yourself at home

food for pitta dosha to control Pitta dosha by yourself at home

coconut water Coconut water has miraculous properties that control the high pitta dosha to a great extent. Body heat, sweating, restlessness arise because of the high pitta dosha.

coconut water Coconut water has miraculous properties that control the high pitta dosha to a great extent. Body heat, sweating, restlessness arise because of the high pitta dosha.

Amla Amla is a multi-potent medicine in Ayurveda. Increased pitta in the body is a sign of the increase of various toxins in the body.

Amla Amla is a multi-potent medicine in Ayurveda. Increased pitta in the body is a sign of the increase of various toxins in the body.

Lemon A drink made with the juice of one lemon with a glass of water has the power to balance your high pitta to a great extent..

Lemon A drink made with the juice of one lemon with a glass of water has the power to balance your high pitta to a great extent..

Orange according to Ayurveda Oranges are also great fruits that are cold in nature and controls pitta dosha.

Orange according to Ayurveda Oranges are also great fruits that are cold in nature and controls pitta dosha.

Buttermilk drink Buttermilk has cooling properties for the full body and even the brain. The body heat increases with high pitta dosha. That

Buttermilk drink Buttermilk has cooling properties for the full body and even the brain. The body heat increases with high pitta dosha. That