Ayurveda balances the imbalanced doshas of the body only through yoga, exercise, natural foods and nature-based medicines. This is clearly possible through food because every food item also has its own Dosha nature.

Ayurveda balances the imbalanced doshas of the body only through yoga, exercise, natural foods and nature-based medicines. This is clearly possible through food because every food item also has its own Dosha nature.

It is clearly stated in Ayurveda that every person should consume his food only on the basis of his physical defect. Failure to do so can lead to a un-balanaced state of dosha in his body

It is clearly stated in Ayurveda that every person should consume his food only on the basis of his physical defect. Failure to do so can lead to a un-balanaced state of dosha in his body

As an example, it can be said that a person with pitta body should avoid food that aggravates pitta dosha.

As an example, it can be said that a person with pitta body should avoid food that aggravates pitta dosha.

Those who understand it should take food according to it and should stay away from food that harms that specific dosha body.

Those who understand it should take food according to it and should stay away from food that harms that specific dosha body.

According to Ayurveda three doshas Vata , Pitta and Kpaha also found in every food item.Ayurveda believes that even in food items, the characteristics of the five great elements(mahabhutas) are present.

According to Ayurveda three doshas Vata , Pitta and Kpaha also found in every food item.Ayurveda believes that even in food items, the characteristics of the five great elements(mahabhutas) are present.